Electronic music

4 Questions About The Music Industry You Should NOT Be Asking

Chances are, you are already ruining your potential to succeed in the music industry because you believe in one or more music career myths. How do I know? I am sent e-mail messages on a constant basis by tons of musicians (all seeking the answers to the WRONG questions). These are questions that may seem like good questions on the top level, but are really highly damaging questions that take […]

todaymars 27, 2020 310 29 16

Electronic music

4 Questions About The Music Industry You Should NOT Be Asking

Chances are, you are already ruining your potential to succeed in the music industry because you believe in one or more music career myths. How do I know? I am sent e-mail messages on a constant basis by tons of musicians (all seeking the answers to the WRONG questions). These are questions that may seem like good questions on the top level, but are really highly damaging questions that take […]

todaymars 27, 2020 310 29 16


Finding Balance for Mind, Body, and Soul

Achieving balance is essential for overall well-being, encompassing the harmony of mind, body, and soul. This article explores practical tips and holistic approaches to finding balance in various life domains. From self-care practices to mindfulness techniques, individuals can nurture their mental, physical, and spiritual health. By intentionally seeking balance, individuals create a foundation for a more harmonious and fulfilling life. Pellentesque quis fermentum erat. Nunc ut imperdiet neque, sit amet […]

todayavril 1, 2021 26 1 2


Music, Economics, and Beyond

The whole point of digital music is the risk-free grazing" Cory Doctorow, Canadian journalist and co-editor and of the off-beat blog Boing Boing, is an activist in favor of liberalizing copyright laws and a proponent of the Creative Commons non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. Doctorow and others continue to write prolifically about the apocalyptic changes […]

todayavril 5, 2020 845 10 15

Grunge Rock

Legendary Guitarist Announces Surprise Solo Album Release

Nirvana was one of the most famous bands to make alternative rock music mainstream.   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam a risus nec lacus efficitur condimentum. Aenean fringilla dui eget felis sollicitudin, et euismod sem vehicula. Proin nec odio feugiat, commodo magna at, commodo tortor. Quisque faucibus metus ut laoreet tempus. Nullam feugiat tellus id nulla mattis maximus. Integer sollicitudin nibh sapien, in finibus lorem congue […]

todayavril 5, 2020 996 12 14


Choosing the best radio for your daily work

The whole point of digital music is the risk-free grazing" Cory Doctorow, Canadian journalist and co-editor and of the off-beat blog Boing Boing, is an activist in favor of liberalizing copyright laws and a proponent of the Creative Commons non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. Doctorow and others continue to write prolifically about the apocalyptic changes […]

todayavril 5, 2020 675 10 14


Practice in Public Makes Perfect: how playing for your fans makes you better

Price, 57, has played music nearly her whole life, starting with piano when she was five years old. But in the fall of 2009, the guitar was still something of mystery to her. She had been playing for only a couple of months and was struggling a bit with the new challenges. Yet, instead of holing up in her living room to practice until she felt more confident, she did […]

todayavril 4, 2020 101 12 13




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