كلام بالقلب التربية
كلام بالقلب التبذير
كلام بالقلب صلة الرحم
كلام بالقلب
ستار ويكاند
كلام بالقلب / الوحدانية
كلام بالقلب / حوار مع الفنانة ليلى التونسية
كلام بالقلب/اتخاد القرار othmane
Music is a form of art that involves organized and audible sounds and silence. It is normally expressed in terms of pitch (which includes melody and harmony), rhythm (which includes tempo and meter), and the quality of sound (which includes timbre, articulation, dynamics, and texture). Music may also involve complex generative forms in time through the construction of patterns and combinations of natural stimuli, principally sound. Music may be used […]
The group announced the disbandment on Facebook with an official statement, followed by a more personal one from founder and singer John Monster saying the decision rested on his shoulders. If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week “I take full responsibility for the decision to part ways with […]
Track appears in new box set… A new box set showcasing recordings Captain Beefheart made in the early Seventies is due for release. After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. Sun Zoom Spark: 1970 To 1972 features newly remastered versions of three albums that Beefheart and the Magic Band released during that period – Lick My Decals Off, Baby, The Spotlight Kid and Clear Spot […]
In the fast-paced modern world, maintaining a healthy balance is essential for overall well-being. This article provides practical insights into prioritizing your well-being amidst the demands of a busy life. Explore effective time-management techniques, stress-reducing practices, and mindfulness strategies that contribute to a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. By intentionally allocating time to different aspects of your life, you can achieve harmony and prioritize your well-being without compromising productivity.